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学术报告会通知(Prof. Harumi Yokokawa)

时间:2019-10-18作者: 来源: 智能材料与结构研究所点击:222

报告题目:Development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) with Low Cost, High Efficiency and Durability

报告人:  Prof. Harumi Yokokawa / The University of Tokyo

报告时间: 20191022日(周二)上午 10:00




To realize the solid oxide fuel cells, it becomes essential to achieve high efficiency, low cost, and long durability as the SOFC stack development. Personal experiences on such topics will be reported in comparison with other fuel cells/thermal engines.



HARUMI YOKOKAWA(横川晴美)is an emeritus professor of the University of Tokyo, and an emeritus researcher of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan. He served as president of the SOFC Society of Japan. He was also a member of the executing committee of the High Temperature Materials Division of the Electrochemical Society (USA).

Prof. Yokokawareceived his Doctor degrees of Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan. He joined the National Chemical Laboratory for Industry (NCLI) in 1977, and was a research associate in James Franck Institute of the University of Chicago (1978-1980).He became a Senior Researcher in NCLI in 1982.In 1995, he became a group leader of the Energy-related group in NIMC (Renamed and united into the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) from 2001). From 2001 to 2004, he served as the deputy director and as a group leader of the Fuel Cells group of the Energy Electronics Institute, AIST. From 2004-2009, he served as the principal research scientist and the group leader of the Fuel Cell group of the Energy Technology Research Institute in AIST. After retirement from AIST, he continued to act as the project leader of NEDO SOFC project as invited research scientist. For 2009-2011, he served as professor in the Advanced Research Laboratories in Tokyo City University, and for 2014-2018, he was appointed as project professor in Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.Thus, for 13 years, he acted as the project leader of the NEDO projects on the SOFC durability and coordinated the cooperation among industries, public institutes and universities.

Prof. Yokokawa’s main interest is in applications of thermodynamics to high temperature processes. With S. Yamauchi, he made efforts in constructing the thermodynamic database and developing related software to facilitate the thermodynamic analysis on practical materials problems. He has written about 300 papers. Prof. Yokokawa has received many scientific awards, such as award by Minister of Science and Technology Agency (1989),Outstanding achievement award from the High Temperature Materials Division of the Electrochemical Society2002),Award by the Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis2006),Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition Awards for exceptional work in the field of fuel cell technologies2011),Fuel Cell Development Information Center Awards in Science (2018), Christian Friedrich Shoenbein Medal of Honor in recognition of the distinguished contributions to the science and technology of solid oxide fuel cells, from the European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum (2018) .